I'd known multiple women take Plan B and never get pregnant. Not me.

By anonymous on 21/03/2015
medical abortion abortion 4 weeks

It all started with a positive pregnancy test. I felt an overwhelming rush of emotions. How could this happen? Why me?

Plan B didn't work for me

I had practiced abstinence for 3 years and made one mistake, one night. One night of poor judgement and now I was facing the repercussions.

I had taken plan B within 24 hours of intercourse yet I was still pregnant. I had known multiple women take plan B numerous times and never get pregnant.

Not this girl, not me.

Abortion stories online scared me to death but my story was different

I am a 34 year old women who has 3 children ages 15, 11, and 3. I have raised all 3 primarily on my own.

For personal reasons, I knew I could not financially have another child so I opted for an abortion.

I read all the stories online, many which scared me to death. The bleeding, the diarreaha, the vomiting... all things I was preparing myself for. But actually my story was completely different.

I was only 4 weeks: they suggested I wait until 5-6 weeks but I refused

My story was similar to a lot of the positive stories. Thankfully I acted quickly when I was only 4 weeks.

When I called the clinic I was nervous. My hands were shaking. I thought people would judge me but they didn't. In fact they were reassuring. They suggested I wait until I was 5-6 weeks pregnant but I refused. I knew the longer I waited the guiltier I would feel.

On the way to the clinic I was approached by protesters, but I ignored them. They are not allowed to touch you. The appt itself was long, over 6 hours. Most of it was waiting, waiting for bloodwork, waiting for an ultrasound, waiting to see a counselor.

I looked at the ultrasound screen

You do not need to see the ultrasound, yet I asked to look. It looked like a small dot on the screen. They confirmed I was 4 weeks 2 days along.

And at the end of it I was to take a pill in front of the doctor, then go home and take 4 more orally 24 hours later.

I prepared for the worst

After everything I had read I was scared to death. The clinic told me it would feel like strong period pains but one story I read online said this was NOT true so I prepared for the worst.

The first pill made me a little sick to my stomach. I could feel small cramps or pains off and on throughout the rest of the first day. All were very tolerable and in fact I could go about the rest of my day as usual.

I counted down the hours until I had to take the 4 pills

The next morning I will admit the cramping was worse, but again it was off and on. I watched the clock all day counting down the hours until I had to take the 4 pills. I let them dissolve in my mouth, and I did feel some guilt for what I was doing but after a phone call to a close friend I felt reassured.

Two hours came and went. Nothing, was it working? So I took a little nap as the nausea medication from the doctor made me sleepy. I was having some cramping but no blood.

Finally, after about 3 hours I started bleeding.

I used a heating pad which offered lots of relief. I recommend it to everyone and I might try it during my next period. The doctor also gave me a narcotic pain medication to take, however 800 mg of ibuprofen worked for me. I didn't even need the pain medication.

I survived and it wasn't a horror story

I rested the whole day, and watch movies with my heating pad. The blood would come in spurts, a lot then a little. Sometimes you may see clots or white tissue material.

I survived and it wasn't a horror story. Again, maybe I was lucky I found out I was pregnant so early.

This coming week I have to go back to the clinic to have blood work done to make sure everything went ok.

I hope my story will comfort someone, instead of scaring them. Just know the warning signs of what to look out for and have someone else around for support or at least a phone so you can call and get support.

Good luck with whatever YOU decide is best for YOU!

Editor's comment

Plan B, also known as the Morning After Pill, is thought to be 95% effective when taken within 24 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse. It's very unfortunate that it didn't work for you and that in this instance resulted in an abortion, but I'm pleased you didn't undergo the experience you were expecting. Thank you for sharing your story.

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