I'm 14 and I am 35 days late

By anonymous on 20/04/2010
I,m 14 and I'm 35 days late. I don't know what 2 do coz I don't want 2 tell my boyfriend who is 15 and I’m scared he will leave me because I might be pregnant. I told my best friend and she said I have 2 take a test but I’m scared just in case I am and how I tell my parents.

How do I tell my parents

I know I am really young but my parents have split up and I took it really badly and I started 2 drink when I’m at a party. I was drunk when I had sex with my boyfriend but I wasn’t so bad that I didn’t know what I was doing. I really need help coz my sister got pregnant when she was 15 and kept it, but my parents went mental at her. So how do I tell my parents that I might be pregnant.

Editor's Comment

How ever hard this is you need to have a lot of courage and speak to someone. If there is another adult you can trust talk to them first. It is very hard to face this sort of possible crisis by yourself and you need someone to help you to think it through and talk to you about your options. At 14 you may feel overwhelmed by the situation but you do have a choice about what you do. However hard it is to face your parents anger and upset, it is better to face it and talk it through. If you would like to talk to an advisor on the phone you can ring a free helpline number 0300 4000 999.

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