I found out I was pregnant.

By anonymous on 01/03/2014
SO on Feb 3 2014 I found out I was pregnant. I have a unique situation because my mom is in the Navy so she gets transferred from state to state every few years. I'm 17 and a senior in high school, she got transferred to Texas, we were in NY.
My mom decided to let me stay with her best friend so I could finish my senior year with friends and my boyfriend. I am a straight A student and on National Honor Society I had my future planned out.
When I found out I was pregnant I broke down and cried. I dropped down to the floor and cried. My boyfriend and I are in the best and healthiest relationship we have been together for over 1 year. He was/is planning on joining the navy so when I told him, he was excited and knew that all his money was going to go to his baby, we wanted to get married before all this and now that emotion got stronger for him. He wants a family.
On the other hand my mom is pushing abortion. She is thinking about my future she made me come to Texas so I am here now. The doctor recently told me I have a high risk pregnancy but I'd know what to do.
I don't want to kill my baby I don't want to be selfish.
My boyfriend is leaving for bootcamp on Aug 19 2014 my due date is Oct 2 2014. I am now 9 weeks and 3 days pregnant. If I have an abortion I have to go to California to live with my father to graduate high school, because Texas won't accept me this late senior year. If I keep it and I go back to New York to live with my boyfriend and his family, but he will be gone for at least 1 year, so I will be there with his family alone, and I don't trust his mom.
So I don't know what to do and I'm going crazy. I'm emotionally and physically drained, please help me. ASAP.
Thank you for reading this long story that is a small part of my life. Sorry it's so long.

Editor's Comment

I am sorry that you are in so much turmoil over this decision. If you decide to parent you will have to put your career on hold, but that doesn't mean you have to give it up completely. It is possible to have a baby, and then go back to your education and career. It will be hard work but possible with the right support. If you choose abortion you have to think through how you and your boyfriend will cope with this, particularly if he is set on you having the baby. If you would like some more support in your decision, please log into Online advisor. http://www.careconfidential.com/Onlineadvisor.aspx

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