I'm 15... this can't be happening to me.

By anonymous on 24/09/2014
I'm 15 years old. I had my period September 3rd but then I started again the 21st or 22nd of the same month... I have a strict family and I have no one else to go to that could help. I don't know what to do. I've been trying to look up what could have caused this and everything leads to "spotting". and I'm pretty sure it is because it's lighter than my normal periods and also in the same month as my previous period. and before my next period.
I'm 15... this can't be happening to me. Please, is there anything I could do like remedies or pills or something. Anything, to stop this, to stop this pregnancy, if it is. I know it's wrong but I'm not ready. It's not sociably acceptable, not acceptable in my house to be pregnant at my age. I need to stop this. Hopefully God will forgive me, but I'm scared to absolute death.
My family will turn against me. My boyfriend is just 16 and I know he wouldn't be able to handle this. He does love me but then again he is just 16. We both can't go through this.
I haven't taken a test yet. I haven't told my boyfriend about this and when I do I'm sure we'll go get one. Just please what do I do. Who do I turn to. I can't go to my mum, and me and my dad go weeks without speaking to each other and we live in the same house. He's not an option not that I would have made him one. I'm too young. Please help me.

Editor's Comment

I can understand your initial anxiety, although spotting during your cycle can be caused by a number of things, not just pregnancy.
The first thing to do is check whether you are definitely pregnant. If you normally have a period every 28 days, I would suggest you take a pregnancy test around the 3rd October. If the test does turn out to be positive, it would be good to talk through your options and think about what is the best decision for you. You can follow the link to have some Online counselling help and support for unplanned pregnancy support.

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