I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend.

By anonymous on 08/10/2014
Hi. I had my last menstrual period on September 8th. I have a regular menstrual cycle of 27-30 days. Last September 23rd, I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. He deposited his sperm inside of me. I was afraid so I took a morning pill which was Ethynilestradiol Levonorgestrel. 4 tab on initial and another 4 after 12 hours. So I was expecting my period about Oct 5th, but I am already 4 days delayed. Could be I am pregnant? Or could it be a side effects of pills? I am worried and very much stressed now. I used a pregnancy test but negative on results. Please help me....

Editor's Comment

It is possible that you are pregnant and that it is not yet showing up on a test, but the emergency contraceptive pill can affect your period and can delay it particularly if you took it before you had ovulated. I would suggest that you do another pregnancy test 2 1/2 weeks after you had unprotected sex. for support around unprotected sex.

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