I chose a medical abortion with BPAS as I wanted it to be 'natural' and to be at home

By anonymous on 19/04/2011
medical abortion bpas abortion 7 weeks

I had a medical abortion with BPAS nearly 2 weeks ago. I chose this method as I wanted it to be 'natural' and to be at home during the procedure.

I arrived at the clinic for my second consultation at half 10 am (the first was to book the abortion to ensure I was sure I wanted to go through with it). Once there I was talked through the procedure, given a dating scan and then given the first pill to take. I was then allowed to leave the clinic and told to come back at 4:30 pm.

After the first pill, I felt a little sick but I had felt sick throughout my pregnancy so I pressume it was morning sickness.

When I went back to the clinic for the second appointment of the day, I was again talked through the procedure, given antibiotics to take for a week and pain killers etc. The nurse inserted 4 tablets vaginally and I left the clinic. I put a pad on in case I started bleeding but I felt fine until I got home at 7:30 pm.

Once home I started to feel period-like pains and took 2 pain killers. I started to have sickness and diarrhoea and the pains in my stomach got worse.

At one point I thought I was honestly going to die, I was screaming

The nurse said I would feel 'some discomfort' but this was more than discomfort, it was agony. I had cold sweats and a fever in between vomiting and s***ting (sorry to be blunt). I did not leave the bathroom until 10:30 pm.

I couldn't sit, I couldn't lie in bed, I couldn't stand. No position on earth could help with the pain. As soon as the blood started at 10:30 pm the pain disappeared.

I went to sleep as I was so exhausted and woke up to a bed covered in blood. But I didn't care because anything is better than the agony I was in.

It was quite obviously the fetus

Two days later I experienced a sharp stabbing pain in my stomach, I went in the shower and all of a sudden doubled up in pain, and out came what can only be described as 'a liver'.

It was a deep red sack as big as the palm of my hand, attached to it was a white sack the size of a grape with a dark red/brown shape inside, too small to make out.

I eventually picked it up and put it in the toilet and flushed it, which now really upsets me to think about it, it was quite obviously the fetus and to flush it into the sewers is something I regret.

I am still bleeding heavily 2 weeks on which I think is normal, and am feeling very teary, especially around babies which again I think is probably normal.

I would NEVER advise someone to get a medical abortion

The pain is unbearable and having to see the pregnancy makes an emotional procedure all that bit more emotional. I was told I wouldn't see the fetus as I was 7 weeks and 5 days but what I saw was quite clearly the products of the pregnancy and seeing it in the shower made it all that bit more visible.

I am angry I wasn't made aware of the amount pain I would be in, for three hours straight, and I don't even believe that medical abortions should be legal.

I am all for a woman's right to choose but would advise anyone reading to get a surgical abortion, you will be emotional enough without the added trauma of an induced miscarriage.

Editor's comment

Your experience sounds very traumatic. I think accurate information is really important and I am shocked that this is not freely available when you had your second consultation. If you had been given this information you could have made an informed choice when you were making your decision and choice. If you need post-abortion support there is help available - find your nearest centre for post-abortion support.

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