I had my abortion today I was approximately 6 weeks pregnant

By anonymous on 31/05/2012
I had my abortion today I was approximately 6 weeks pregnant.
At first I thought I was getting a medical termination when I arrived at the clinic, but when I was speaking to the doctor she recommended me to have the surgical termination instead because it has definitely less pain and less bleeding.
I had an ultrasound scan to confirm my pregnancy then I had to sign some paper work to consent to the abortion.
Firstly, I had to pass urine before having the surgical termination.

I was so scared and sad at the same time.

Then they called my name to change into their clothes. When I saw the operating room I started to panic so bad with all the needles and equipment in front of my face because I am so afraid of needles.
The nurse told me to lie down on the bed and took a blood pressure test for me.
The doctor was so gentle he put a needle in my arm and I could not feel a thing, he was amazing. I was then given a second needle to put me to sleep I could not feel a thing also.
By the time I woke up the procedure was done. I felt no pain whatsoever. I just felt tired. I realized there was another needle in my arm and I was freaking out but I was surprised that it didn't hurt.
I was resting for approximately 1 hour. The nurse took the needle out for me. I got dressed and my partner took me home. I was freaking out at first but did not experience any pain whatsoever less than ordinary period pain you normally have. And I'm only 19 years old.

Editor's Comment

Thanks for telling us about your experience of a surgical abortion. It sounds as though it was much less frightening than you anticipated. If you need any post abortion help or support, please contact the national helpline 0300 4000 999.

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