I've got sore breasts, back pain & tiredness 1 week after unprotected sex

By anonymous on 08/02/2010

I've been with my boyfriend for the last 3 months and about a week ago we had unprotected sex, but he didn't come inside me.

I'm really worried that I could be pregnant as I'm only 17 and he's 25

I've had sore breasts and back pain and a lot of tiredness but I won't know if I have missed a period until another 2 weeks.

Is there any way I can find out now if I'm pregnant because the anxiety is eating away at me.



Editor's comment

It is possible to get pregnant during unprotected sex even if your boyfriend did not 'come inside you'. There can be leakage of sperm during sex even if he withdraws at the end. You can get an emergency contraceptive pill within 72 hours of unprotected sex,or a coil fitted within 5 days. You may want to ask how these work as for some people they are not acceptable. It sounds as though you are past the time for emergency contraception. Usually a urine test shows up if you are pregnant around the day of a missed period. There is a blood test that will show up earlier and this is usually done through your GP, but may not be available to you unless there is some medical reason for finding out early. It would be good to talk about this situation with someone you feel you can trust especially if you feel pressurised by your boyfriend. Please contact a pregnancy choices centre where you can speak to a trained advisor for support around unprotected sex.

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