I am 16 and I think I might be pregnant

By anonymous on 22/02/2014
Hi I am 16 and I think I might be pregnant. I haven't got my period in like 6 months I had some spotting. I also had noticed that I been peeing a lot more than usual and I notice I have a little bump I don't know if it's bloated or what. And also I feel in my stomach like butterflies or like popcorn popping my stomach. My feet are getting swollen. I have also taken 2 pregnancy tests and they were negative. I feel like something is in my stomach. Please help me thank you.

Editor's Comment

A pregnancy test usually shows up by a week after a missed period, and would certainly show up if you have a bump and feeling movements. I suggest you go and see a doctor who will be able to do some tests to find out why you have these symptoms.http://www.careconfidential.com/Onlineadvisor.aspx

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