Hi I'm 16 and I think I'm pregnant.

By anonymous on 22/02/2014
Hi I'm 16 and I think I'm pregnant. I haven't got my period in like 4 months and also noticed that I get a lot of bloating, and my feet and hands swell. I took 3 pregnancy tests and blood work but they all coming up negative. I'm just worried that maybe I could be pregnant and that my hormone levels could be really low. Also I feel like something is punching me inside and I also get butterflies. And also I've been peeing a lot more than usual. Please help me I don't know what to do. I'm scared that I'm pregnant and my baby may not be healthy because I didn't take care. Could I be pregnant??

Editor's Comment

Pregnancy tests are quite sensitive and usually show a pregnancy by a week after a missed period. If you have had a blood test this is very accurate and will definitely pick up a pregnancy. I would suggest that you go and see your doctor to see if there is another reason why you are getting these symptoms.

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