Hello my name is M. I am the one from Malta again. Do you still remember me???????

By anonymous on 16/09/2008
Hello my name is M. I am the one from Malta again. Do you still remember me???????

Now my girl is going to be seven months old in September. Yesterday she said the first word. She called me mama. I am so happy. I’ve been waiting for that word from when she was born. I am so happy to be a mum; it is a very nice thing to be a mum. She is the best thing that ever happened to me. My family loves her a lot too. She is our angel. I will never wish to return back again. I love her so much. She does everyday something new. She crawls, she sits down alone and now she is trying to stand up already alone. But she is too small to stand up alone but she tries. I wanted to tell you my news. So bye bye and take care.

Editor’s note: Thanks for updating us!...it’s good news that you are enjoying your baby so much and that your family loves her and welcomes her as one of their own. Well done for having the courage to go with your heart; your heart is clearly at peace. Our best wishes to you, M.

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