When I got pregnant the father of the baby wanted me to abort

By anonymous on 08/02/2010


Last year when I got pregnant, my boyfriend of 3 years told me he would leave if I did not abort our baby. He even offered to pay for it(it was planned, which he later denied).I was terrified.I had no family around and was totally alone,and scared of bringing up a child alone. He left me and said he would come back only if I killed the baby, I booked an appointment at the doctors. Everything was such a blur at that time. I cried and cried but he would not give in. I had no one to talk to as I didn't want them to know what I was going to do. I desperately did not want to go through with terminating my baby. He was very supportive when I was doing what he wanted, but as soon as I told him I was going to keep the baby he left me.

I kept my baby

My son is nearly six months old now. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I think that I'm one of the lucky ones. I am thankful every day for having the courage to go it alone (it's hard to see straight in that situation, you trust others over your own judgement, especially as time matters) I love my son more than any bloke and I don't feel like I need a bloke anymore. Never once have I regretted my decision. It's hard work, but I knew I'd regret an abortion for the rest of my life. It's the best decision I ever made. I am happier than I have ever been. I hope that my story helps someone else. No matter how bad things seem, it can work out for the best!! Anyway, his dad came back and was sorry, he regrets what he did and is grateful that I stood my ground. I'm trying to forgive him. That part is not easy!!!

Editor's Comment

This is a lovely story and I'm so glad that the decision you made was the right one for you. It is so hard to stand your ground when you feel as though you could lose everything, and it is frightening to face being a single mum. It sounds as though your boyfriend was panicking about the responsibility and commitment a baby would bring, but I feel it is always wrong to pressurise another person into doing something they are unhappy about. Well done for being prepared to go it alone. Maybe you will be able to rebuild your relationship in time. It is hard to forgive, but everyone makes mistakes and if your ex boyfriend has really learnt from his, that is positive.

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