23 weeks pregnant and feeling anxious and fearful

By anonymous on 24/07/2011
I am 18 and 23 weeks pregnant.
Me and my boyfriend (also 18) had only been together 2 months when I fell pregnant. Despite the short time we were together I had known him for ages and we were best friends
When I told him at first he freaked out and left me because his mum practically said she would disown him if he stuck by me.
Eventually everyone came round and now I am moving in with him next month. I feel scared because it hasn't really hit me that I am going to be a mum yet. I'm so scared that people will get fed up and leave me and I will be doing this all alone.
I have become so paranoid and am terrified that my boyfriend will try and take my baby away or his parents will or someone in general will.
I have become so anxious I am even considering running away I just can't deal with my emotions at the moment. I need to find a way to sort my head out.

Editor's Comment

It sounds as though you are feeling insecure, and wondering if your boyfriend will stick with you and support you. I am not surprised that you feel anxious as at 18 I am sure this feels like a big responsibility to take on. If you would like some more support one of the pregnancy centres would be happy to stand with you through your pregnancy, or you can call the national helpline 0300 4000 999 and talk to an advisor.

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