Pregnancy after a rape at 13.

By anonymous on 11/09/2011
When I was 13, I was with my best friend walking down the bike-path. I was a good girl. I was a virgin and didn't even have my first kiss yet! But some scary man took that away from me. Me and my friend, were just talking and we saw a creepy guy with a cigar and a can. He says. "Hey can I show you somthin' I found in the woods"? he asked us. (our bikepath was SURROUNDED by woods) so we were dumb and wanted to see what he wanted. To my complete surprise he tackled me to the floor and whispered. "You're the sexier one here babe." He said that kissing my neck. I remember this like it was yesterday. I heard my friend screaming in the backround for me to do something as he is taking off my cloths. I don't want to give details but my friend was beat up and I was raped.
A few months later when I found out I was pregnant I was considering abortion. My Mom said it was my choice.
My family wasn't mad at me because I didn't want to have my first time yet. My friend was there for me and she understood that it was caused by rape because it was.
I was so stressed. I was only in the 8th grade and I was going to be a mother unless I done something.
I looked abortion up on the computer and read what it does. I couldn't do it. It would hurt me and my baby's soul.
I told my family I was gonna go through with it. They were shocked but then said they would do nothing but support me my whole way through. So did ALL my friends.
When I was about 8 months pregnant I had to be put on bed rest just in case. They didn't tell me if I was having a boy or a girl. I didn't wanna know until he or she was born. My mom got the baby's room set up and everything.
None of this was my fault, it was the man's. .. I remember the feeling of the baby kicking always made me giggle. I always thought he or she was trying to talk to me. I sang to the baby a lot when it was in my belly.
I remember in labor oh how HORRIBLE the pain was. My mom and my friends were in the waiting room.
My 20 year old sister (she is now 22) whom I am very close to was in the room with me. I remember the high pitched crying of my beautiful baby boy

I held my son for the very first time soo happy I went through with the pregnancy.

He was (and still is) beautiful.
I have been struggling taking care of him through school and such, but my parents helped alot. I know some day when I am older when I move in with my future husband and son that we will have the best life together, maybe even have another baby!
Right now I don't worry about that. I did my best to raise my little son who looks a lot like me! :)
Now I'm in the 10th grade and have a two year old son. My boyfriend loves him. He always says that he can't wait till we move out and for my son to be his step-son. I love my son with all my heart. He is so funny. I love talking to him and making him laugh everyday. He can walk but he falls down a few times.
So if you get pregnant don't abort your child. You will never know how much you will love your child. I am going to print this out so when my boyfriend and I are married and my son is older I will read this to them. My other children that I have not met yet will know this story as well. Mommy loves you <3

Editor's Comment

It is lovely that something so precious has come from such an awful experience. Rape is usually considered a very valid reason for abortion and particularly when you were so young, but it is important that each person makes their own informed choice. I am glad that for you this has been the right decision, and that you are so happy with your little son.

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