I'm 15 and had unprotected sex

By anonymous on 20/01/2012
I'm 15 and I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. He tried working out if he was going to cum or not and could feel it. So I said as a joke to try again and find out just so we knew how much longer we could go, but before he could pull out he cummed inside me. I have been panicking. We had been saying how we want children as a joke but now it could be true, I'm not sure if I am I'm guessing. But we don't want to get rid of it, but I dunno what to say to my mum and dad because they'll me mad. My mum has always been saying she don't want me to end up like this. Please any advice would be helpful! Please! Thank you!

Editor's Comment

The first thing you need to do is find out if you are definitely pregnant. You need to wait 2 1/2 weeks from the time that you had unprotected sex and then get a pregnancy test done. You can do this at a pregnancy support centre, contraceptive and sexual health clinic, or buy a test and do it yourself. If you are pregnant you can get help and support from a pregnancy support centre for unplanned pregnancy support.

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