I'm 15 and I think I might be pregnant.

By anonymous on 27/10/2013
I'm 15 and I think I may be pregnant.
I'm not sure but I've been sick in the mornings and at night. My breast started to hurt this morning and I've been have cramps but no blood. I've been getting tired very early into the day and my lower back has been hurting from time to time. So I'm thinking I may be pregnant.
If I am it's going to wreck my job that I'm going to be doing in 2015 and the rest of my school life. If I am I'm going to keep it but I don't know.

Editor's Comment

The first thing to do is have a pregnancy test so that you know one way or the other rather than worrying about it. You can have a pregnancy test done at a pregnancy centre, reproductive health clinic, or buy one at a pharmacy to do a home test. Contact the national helpline or Online advisor if you need more help to get a test done. Once you know for sure it would be good to talk it through with someone. If you are pregnant and you are wanting to keep the baby you will need to work out a support network. It may be hard work but there is support available so that you can finish your education. There are also nursery facilities if you decide to go for the job you have lined up, so it's not impossible to choose this option but you will have to work hard to look after a baby and finish school. Please contact CareConfidential if we can support you further.for unplanned pregnancy support.

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