A lone parent with a disabled 6 year old

By anonymous on 02/09/2010
I had an early abortion when my first child, who has a disability, was six years old.
At the time I was a lone parent.
The whole process was handled with care and compassion by my GP and other medical professionals. I had good, kind support and help from my friends.
My decision was not taken lightly, but I knew then and know now that it was the right one for me and my family (I now have three grown-up children).
Abortion is not for everyone, and there is no doubt that it requires a huge amount of thought and consideration but, if that's what is best, please try not to feel guilty about it. Twenty six years later, I have no doubt that my tough decision was the wisest decision.

Editor's Comment

Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds as though you had a lot of responsibility with a child needing extra care. As you say it is a tough decision and important to think it through carefully, and get all the information you need.

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