My early medical abortion at 7 weeks pregnancy

By anonymous on 13/04/2011

I had read 'horror' stories all last week of people's differing experiences, since I received my appointment for my termination.

From reading these stories I had really worked myself up and the night before was crying to my mum that I wish I'd opted for the vacuum.

Anyway, Wednesday of this week and I went to the clinic.

First tablet cramps sorted by paracetamol

I took the first tablet at around 2.30pm and carried on about my business.

Around about 6pm that evening, I started with cramps, but they weren't anything serious, think they just threw me a bit as being 7 weeks pregnant, I hadn't had a period for 2 months. I found that paracetamol sorted them out.

Follow up appointment pessaries

The next day (yesterday) I had my follow-up appointment at 10am.

I was given four pessaries to insert.

The nurse told me that in her experience, she would hazard a guess that things would start off in about an hour's time.

I signed all relevant consent forms and made my way home with my mum. By around 11.30am, I started getting cramps which were quite painful. I took two of the codeine given to me by the clinic and tried to get some sleep.

The intense pain made me throw up

I found that I only felt comfortable sat on the toilet - weird I know! I found that the pain was constant but I was getting waves of really very bad cramps.

At around 2pm, the pain was really quite bad, but I honestly think I was making myself worse because I was panicking. My mum brought me a hot water bottle and some Ibuprofen tablets and I managed to get some sleep.

At around 5pm I woke up feeling much more comfortable and feeling like I needed to go to the toilet.

As I got up, I felt a rush of fluid come away from me. To my surprise though when I got to the toilet, it was water and not blood. I had a wee and then did start to bleed.

As I stood up to leave the bathroom, I felt like I needed to 'go' again. This time I passed everything. I got back in bed feeling so much more comfortable and went back to sleep.

I woke up later in the evening and did have some stomach cramps but nothing compared to before!

I know everyone is different, but I haven't bled unless I've gone to the toilet.

Almost back to normal

Today, I've woke up feeling back to my normal self nearly, just a bit tired and my stomach feels a bit tender. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life and it isn't a pleasant experience, but it was what was right for me.

The nurses were fantastic

I have to say that the nurses at the clinic were fantastic and made me feel at ease. I also couldn't have done it without my family, they've been superb, especially my mum who's sat by my side through everything.

Editor's Comment

I'm sure it helps a lot to have someone supportive to be there with you. Hope you are recovering well now.

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