I had to have an abortion
By anonymous on 06/05/2013
There are many stories across the Internet on how an abortion is. I had to have an abortion. Under my own person circumstances which I wouldn't like to share but it was the best for me and my health.Anyway I went on with procedure I was 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant.
The first appointment I had I took my 1st pill to stop the pregnancy and the on the same day I was given a bullet size white latex piece to put in my back passage to stop any infections I thought it would be painful and it wasn't very easy to put in. I felt fine when I went home.
Anyway my appointment was for the next day to take my second pill. I felt a bit nauseous and dizzy before that appointment and my jawline was sore as well as my body feeling over heated. I went to the second procedure which was for pills up my vagina which the nurse inserted herself which then I had to put an antibiotic up my back passage... Within 10 minutes I had pains and sickness my partner had phoned the emergency services because he felt something wasn't right. I was referred to the maternity section where I was fully examined. I was in so much pain I couldn't move. Bloods were taken from me and when the nurse checked into my cervix she found that my pregnancy tissue had been stuck there hence the pain she pulled that out and then there was still no pain relief. This is a medical abortion I had and these were my own personal after effects. I was then admitted to a ward where I was checked every half hour for blood pressure and temperature everything was fine apart from my bleeding. I was discharged today and will be going back into hospital tomorrow for a scan to see if any pregnancy tissue is left over.
I have to say though the care at my hospital was amazing and the pain killers made me feel like normal so I made the correct decision by going straight to the maternity ward. This termination was at 6 weeks and 2 days and was the medical way. I have to say everyone's pain does vary and abortions do take different tolls. I had never been in this position before so it was all new to me and it was my first pregnancy. I had someone to support me. Even though I come from a Muslim background my mum supported me and still is until I get better she even took time off work. My partner was beside me as well looking after me. I am 18 years old and unmarried so it was a big deal for my mum but she stuck by me my partner and our decision.