It will be the third anniversary of the day my world changed soon

By anonymous on 09/06/2013
It will be the third anniversary of the day my world changed soon, the day that my unborn child was taken away from me amid a cocktail of games,lies,ignorance and lack of empathy...I had no idea where I was. I beg forgiveness for carrying out an act I have never believed in - anyone who 'knows' me will know this. I think of you daily, a part of me was taken, I cried constantly...if only honesty had prevailed.... THE BITTEREST TRUTH IS BETTER THAN THE SWEETEST OF LIES... look into your soul if you are in a situation and considering this act and go with your heart - if only I'd gone with mine way before, I am so sorry for everything little one, especially as I knew. With much love may you dance among the stars and shine xxxx

Editor's Comment

You are still experiencing very painful emotions of grief and regret, and often the anniversary of the event brings a new focus on what has happened. I agree with you that listening to your heart as well as your head is really important, as going against your heart feelings often makes you feel you have betrayed yourself as a person. Careconfidential can support you and I would encourage you to contact us. You can call the national helpline, log on to Online advisor, or follow the link to find a centre for post abortion support in your area.

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