I remember it as if it was yesterday
By anonymous on 09/10/2013
I remember it as if it was yesterday ..it was 20th May 2006 when I went out with my boyfriend I was turning 21 that year. We went out had fun and we used a condom the first time but then the next morning we had sex again and I thought I was safe. The month ended and I realized I hadn't had my period. I bought a pregnancy test and it was positive and I did 5 more but it didn't change. I told my boyfriend and he said it wasn't his but I told him him it was his because he was my only boyfriend and he told me he was never coming back.
I thought that I couldn't have a baby by myself because I was not working. He gave me money to abort but I didn't want to do this. 3 weeks later it hit me that I couldn't have a baby by myself.
I went to my local clinic and had an abortion. Looking back now I regret it and I miss my child so much. I feel like God is angry with me and it hurts so much because now I can't conceive. And it hurts me I can't live with myself because it's hurting so bad.