Medical problem!!
By anonymous on 16/07/2009
Medical problem!! I have just come home after having a medical abortion on the NHS and after spending three weeks googling information about them, I managed to frighten the life out myself- and I’m sure I’m not alone! (Please note there was another girl on the ward having exactly the same thing and she had exact same experience as me except hers was quicker!!!) I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks. I went for a scan and was told that I would have to wait 2 weeks as it was too early for a medical abortion. I chose medical abortion as I am a complete hypochondriac and the risk of death etc is higher with a surgical so I was willing to have pain to avoid risk! Anyway I spent those two weeks reading the horror stories and was prepared for an agonising blood bath! I have never had period pains before so didn’t know what to expect. During pregnancy I was having all day sickness and was sooooooo tired I was falling asleep by 4pm!
I went to my first appointment and took the first tablet. I was also given a packet of four antibiotic tablets to be taken the same day and a packet of five antibiotic tablets to be taken the following day. I had no bleeding at all over the next two days and I can honestly say that the antibiotic nausea was probably the worst of it all! I took the tablets before I went to bed and when I woke up I would get hot and cold sweats, dizziness and my bowels would open quickly! (I do have a sensitive tummy though so it’s probably not same for most and it was a 2000mg dose!)
Anyway I went back for final appointment this morning (I felt dreadful! sick etc) I came out with a rash on my chest through nerves!! They gave me three tablets to dissolve under my tongue (less invasive and quicker). They taste of nothing! About 5 minutes later I started feeling slight twinges and was given pain killers by the nurse as she knew I was nervous and a wimp. The pain grew for about 5 minutes and was bad but bearable (genuinely like a bad period) and lasted for about an hour! (not agony or anything--trust me I’m a wimp) During this time I couldn’t stop pooing and neither could the other girl I was with, so don’t worry!!! I also went very very cold (take a jumper) I was walking about and going up and down stairs when I suddenly felt a bit of blood released so I went to the commode area and literally felt like I was having a wee but a for a slight second there was the same feeling as a smear test! I had passed the foetus. The pain stopped.
I sat around reading magazines etc for about an hour whilst having some bleeding (like period) then finally passed the sac, again no pain or anything. Now I am just bleeding like a heavy period. No huge clots or anything- no blood bath!!! I also had to have the injection as I am rhesus negative (doesn’t hurt at all and in the bum!) so all in all, I can honestly say as a full hypochondriac and wimp it was not bad at all!!! I went in at 8am and was out by 12.00. I know some people are different but I tend to react to everything- antibiotics were the worst! Don’t stress or panic or read horror stories!! It may just be anti-abortionists giving us all the heeby jeebies!! Good luck!!
Editor’s note: Thanks for sharing about your medical abortion…Clearly, you had a good physical experience, as some do. It helps to know that people’s experiences can vary widely. You say very little about why you chose abortion at this time, and you don’t say anything about the emotional aspects of your decision to end the pregnancy, or how you feel now it’s done. A difficult or an easy abortion experience doesn’t change the underlying fact about what has actually occurred. I wonder if you have tucked away emotions under the relief of having a relatively easy experience. How you relate to this event in your life now or in the future may become of concern for you at some point, and if so, you would be welcome to get in touch for some support.