I had just got out of a three year relationship with my first love, really, when I met my new boyfriend in September 2006. By January, I found out I was pregnant.

By anonymous on 31/01/2008
I had just got out of a three year relationship with my first love, really, when I met my new boyfriend in September 2006. By January, I found out I was pregnant. It was something that wasn’t expected and wasn’t planned. I went and told my boyfriend who decided we should go and take another pregnancy test.

After I was thinking my life was falling apart (I only started to go out and enjoy myself as I was 19 years old), I went and had a C section. On the 17th September 2007, my wee baby was born. Looking back now, I would not change him for the world. I love him and his daddy. He and I are still together a year and a half later and think our baby boy made us stronger.

September is a special month for me now because my boyfriend’s birthday is on the 16th, our son’s on the 17th and our anniversary on the 14th, but I am so glad I decided to keep my baby because it gives me a reason to try to be the best in life and give my wee boy the best life possible.

Editor’s note: Thanks for sharing your good news story. You did well to get past the initial shock and come to terms with your new situation. Your story will encourage other mums who face the same kind of difficulties, enabling them to believe they can do as well as you.

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