I am 16 and pregnant

By anonymous on 28/07/2010
I am 16 and pregnant. I am so pleased about it and so is my boyfriend. My biggest concern is my mum. I haven't told her yet because I know she is going to go crazy. How do I tell her?

Editor's comment

There is probably no easy way to do this but if you are going to carry on with the pregnancy I am sure you will need her support.
It would be good to find a time when she is not busy. If you can prepare her for the news it would be good. Maybe a text or message telling her that you want to talk to her about something would pave the way. Then make sure you can choose a time when you can sit down and talk it through.
However upset or angry she is it will pass once she gets over the shock. You will then need to work out what help and support you will need. If you would like some help with this their maybe a pregnancy centre in your area that can help you with this. Check out the website to find a centre for pregnancy support in your area. or call the national helpline for information and help 0300 4000 999

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