I am 14 and about 4 weeks pregnant

By anonymous on 25/02/2013
I am 14 I live in Missouri I'm about 4 weeks pregnant.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 9 months he is 21 years old. He will be 22 in August and I will be 15 in October.
If my mom will help me through this and he's supportive and so are his parents.
But me and him have got in trouble with cops before. He had a party at his house when I used to sneak out and see him but nothing was ever said of it he was in jail for one night and never went to court.
And finally my mom let me go and stay with him on the weekend. My mom and dad are not together so he knows nothing about it. He was gonna meet him before we got in the trouble and I want to tell him just don't know how. I need help. He is not the strictest dad every. If he is disappointed in me that will hurt. But I want to keep the baby and the father wants this child and raise it with me.

Editor's Comment

You are very young to have a baby so you will need a lot of help and support if this is going to work out for you. I hope there are organisatios like CareConfidential in Missouri that can offer you the support you need.

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