Being 15 and pregnant isn't easy.

By anonymous on 16/05/2014
Being 15 and pregnant isn't easy. Being 16 and giving birth isn't easy. Being a mother at 16 isn't easy. I had to go through all of this. Being 17, I graduate High School this year. The problem is, I can't go to college because I have an 18 month old baby to look after. When I was 15, I made the mistake of 'scoring a home run' as they say in my school, with my boyfriend of 2 years. About a week later, my period stopped right in the middle of the cycle for that week. I got extremely concerned, and called my mum in, telling her about my secret of having sex with my boyfriend, and told her about the sudden stop of my period. My mum asked if my boyfriend had used a condom, and I said yes. I thought there was absolutely no way I could be pregnant. My mum handed me a spare pregnancy test that my older sister had left in the medical cabinet, And told me how to use it. I did, and the results were shocking. The test had told me I was pregnant. I yelled for my mum, and she ran in, asking about the results. Tears streaked down my face as I held up the positive test. I could see the tears in her eyes, and she told me to call my boyfriend. When I did, he became extremely angry, and said he wanted me to get an abortion. I told him I couldn't end an innocent life that hasn't even started yet, and then he broke up with me. I became extremely depressed, and didn't eat for a good 2 days, and if I did eat, it would be something like 1 apple a day. This was declining my health. When I decided to eat again, I would eat random things that I didn't want, but at the same time, I did want. For instance, I have never liked pudding or jell-o, but my body would tell me I needed it. I had gained a good 10 pounds over the next couple months. A couple months after I found out I was pregnant, my ex boyfriend called to say he was sorry about the angry outburst on the phone and he didn't want me to kill the baby. He apologized for being a jerk, and asked to take me back. I said yes, not only because I still liked him, but I didn't want this baby to be fatherless. When I was 8 months pregnant, I turned 16. A couple weeks later, when I was shopping, I began to have really bad abdominal cramps. I went to the hospital to see if something was wrong, and right when I got to the hospital, my water broke early. A nurse noticed and kindly brought me to a delivery room. I called my boyfriend to tell him I was in labor, and told him to tell my mum. I lived a good 10 minutes from the hospital, so my boyfriend wasn't in a rush. He got there right before I reached 10cm. Seriously, it was probably 30 seconds before I hit 10. Crazy, I know. I began to feel frightened. What if this baby died, or had disabilities from being born 3 weeks before it's due date? What if I die from childbirth? I forgot about all of these things when a kind nurse walked in and prepped me to push. The first push wasn't painful, nor was the second, but I remember feeling a ring of fire around my lady parts when the baby's head was crowning. Man, it hurt like hell! I remember pushing about 5 1/2 (Half a push? I know, crazy. They told me to push one more time, and I felt the baby's head push out, and then it took a good 3 strong pushes to get the baby out) more times, and then the baby was on my chest. I had no clue what gender it was, until they cleaned the baby up and brought HIM to me. I had had a baby boy. My baby weighed only 5 pounds 2 ounces, but the doctors told me he was perfectly healthy. They also told me that I would have to stay in the hospital for 4 days instead of 2, because I had a 2nd degree tear that they needed to stitch up. Now I knew why it hurt more than my mum said it was going to. I mean, every person is different, but this pain was terrible. I went home 3 days later, being healed faster than they expected. My boyfriend decided to live with me and my mum, who lived alone in a 5 bedroom house. Today, my baby boy is almost 2 years old and is turning into a beautiful baby boy.

Editor's Comment

Thanks for sharing your story. You were very brave to become a mum at such a young age but it sounds like it has worked out for you.

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