I am 15 yrs old. My boyfriend and I have been together for six months now.

By anonymous on 21/05/2009
I am 15 yrs old. My boyfriend and I have been together for six months now. We have been thinking about having sex. Then two months ago, we did it. Three weeks ago, I missed my period and I took a test with my best friend with me and it was positive. When I told my boyfriend, he was really shocked about. Since then, he has ignored my calls and refuses to talk to me. I haven't told my parents because I am scared and I know they are going to be really mad. What should I do? I want to keep it but my boyfriend is refusing to talk to me and I need his help. Or should I just have an abortion so I can carry on living my young life?

Editor’s note: Thanks for sharing your story with us…You should talk to a trusted adult as soon as possible about your situation – your parents, a friend or relative, a teacher or you can visit your nearest centre. Yes, that’s scary but you need some support.

Your boyfriend is probably scared about what has happened and has chosen to ignore you in order to cope. Yes, it’s an immature response and one that isn’t very kind to you, but that’s probably all he knows to do right now. You must take care of you now…visit your nearest centre for a free pregnancy test to confirm your result, to talk about your options and how you feel about being a mum, adoption and abortion. None of the options are easy, and it’s important that you are properly informed in order to make a decision. It’s important that you make the choice you can live with – you may be put under pressure to do what someone else wants, but in the end it must be what you want to do. Remember that many girls experience their head (their logic) telling them one thing and their heart (instinct and conscience) another. It’s important to listen to both parts of you and not be swayed simply by circumstances or other people’s opinions. Take your time – visit a centre as soon as you can, call the helpline or use Online Advisor.

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