I'm 15 years old and my boyfriend is 17 years old.

By anonymous on 10/09/2009
I'm 15 years old and my boyfriend is 17 years old. We have been together for one year now. He has made me so happy ever since my parents split up. He has been there for me. He is just so caring. I have never ever loved someone like him in my life ever.

About five months ago I lost my virginity to him. Since then he has used a condom. About four months ago, we never used protection. I had not seen my period for about three months. I told my older sister and she advised me to use a pregnancy test and it came out positive. I took five more and it all came out positive. When I told my mum she was mad at first but now she has gotten over it. When I told my boyfriend, he was shocked but now he is more supportive. But his parents do not approve of it. It has brought a lot of problems in his home that he has moved out and now lives in my house. I am really scared to tell my dad because I know he is going to be really mad. I really need help to sort this out. I am now four months pregnant.

Editor’s note: Thanks for writing in…It sounds as if you could do with some support, doesn’t it? It must have been very hard for you to go through the break up of your parent’s marriage. It sounds as if that loss has meant that your boyfriend means even more to you now.

It might be good to have someone available who can see you through your pregnancy and help you to understand your family relationships. Why not contact your nearest centre? If you don’t have a centre near you, you can use Online Advisor to talk to someone online throughout your pregnancy and beyond. We’ll be thinking of you.

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