I'm 14 and pregnant

By anonymous on 07/10/2009
Hi I'm 14 and pregnant, I can't tell my mum as she will make me have a termination but the father isn't around and I want to keep the baby. Me and my mum have a good relationship and I can tell her anything but this, as she will hit the roof. I don't know what to do! HELP ME!!

Editor’s note:
Thanks for writing in. It is important that you receive the help and support you need at this time, and that you talk to an adult you can trust as soon as possible. Although it sounds like it would be hard for you to tell your mum, you say that you have a good relationship and it may not be as difficult as you fear. If that’s too scary for you at the moment, talk to a relative, teacher, or you can visit your nearest centre or call our helpline on 0300 4000 999.

You haven’t mentioned whether you have done a pregnancy test yet, or how many weeks pregnant you think you might be. If you visit one of our centres, an advisor will do a free pregnancy test to confirm the result. You sound sure about wanting to keep the baby and not wanting to have an abortion, but it may be helpful to talk to one of our advisors about how you feel about being a mum, and also how you feel about adoption. It is important that you are properly informed about all your options. But the most important thing right now is that you speak to an adult you can trust as soon as possible or call our helpline. Our advisors are sensitive and kind, and will be able to help you.

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