A recent surgical abortion
By anonymous on 15/12/2010
A recent surgical abortion
I read lots of these stories before my abortion and they helped.I hope mine can reassure others who are anxious. I had a surgical abortion 5 days ago .Arriving at the clinic
I arrived at the clinic at half past 8 with my friend(he needn't have bothered coming as 'supporters' had to wait downstairs).In hindsight this was probably for the best. I was given a number , a clever way to protect confidentiality.I was surprised how many girls there were in the waiting room,must've been 30 of us.The process
Firstly I was called in to fill in some forms, next a chat with a nurse who took blood pressure and talked me through what would happen. She, along with every member of staff I came into contact with throughout the day was really lovely.I then had blood taken from my finger..a tiny little prick.However I have a major needle phobia and the poor nurse had to sit and wait for me to pysche myself up for 15 mins before i'd let her do it!!I spoke to a doctor next,he was male yet very understanding and then it was onto the ward. I had a major freak out at this point...as they needed to put a canula in the back of my hand,a lovely male nurse came and calmed me down and was very gentle. I barely felt it go in.I had to take some tablets to soften the cervix and wait an hour before being taken into surgery.I was asked to climb on a trolley where the anaesthetic was administered and next thing I know I have come round in recovery.