I am 23 and found out I was pregnant 3 weeks ago.

By anonymous on 27/10/2012
I am 23 and found out I was pregnant 3 weeks ago. I am a mother of two and I felt it was the best decision for me and my children to not continue with the pregnancy as I was in a new relationship and it was too much too soon. And I didn't feel I would be able to cope or I would be ready to have three children. I feel pregnant on contraception and it shook my world to find out I was pregnant as it was completely unexpected. I decided to have the early surgical abortion. As I previously had the medical abortion a year ago I decided I could not go through that again as it seemed more traumatic.

I had a surgical abortion under light sedation yesterday at Marie Stopes.

I decided to have my consultation over the phone. On a Wednesday a week before my appointment to have the procedure. As I didn't want to be at the centre for any longer than I needed to be as I felt waiting around would be quite stressful. I also had a 30 minute phone counselling appointment which I found very helpful and reassuring.
My appointment for the procedure was at 2.20pm yesterday and I arrived at the clinic with my partner who was very supportive. I was asked to sit the waiting room and was informed that I had already been checked in as I already had my consultation. I was then called in to a room by a nurse, (my partner was not allowed in for this) in this room I had a blood test and a blood pressure check, and my medical history taken and had a scan and they discussed the options I had for the surgical abortion, I could go without pain relief and be fully conscious as I was 7 weeks but it wasn't recommend. They informed me that I may be quite uptight and this could make the procedure last longer and be more painful.

So I opted for conscious sedation.

I then had to return to the waiting room to be called in by another nurse to check I was suitable to have the sedation. I was then told that the procedure would take about 5 minutes and I would probably fall asleep during the procedure. And then I would be taken in to the recovery room and given sweet tea and biscuits. And my recovery should take about 45 minutes. I then had to wait again to be called in to theatre. At this point my partner was asked to leave the clinic and told to return in an hour.

I was then taken in to another small private waiting room and then called in to remove my clothes from the waist down and jewellery. Then i walked through to the theatre where there was someone to perform the termination and somone to administer the sedation. There was also a nurse there to talk me through and to help me relax. They all were very reassuring and friendly as I became very anxious at this point. I was then asked to lay on the bed and position myself for the procedure. And then was given the sedation which made me feel quite dizzy and hot. I didn't expect to fall asleep but I did then the next thing I knew I was being woke up and asked to sit on a wheel chair to be taken in to the recovery room. I feel dizzy and had a bit of a headache. Pain wise I felt a bit tender in my private parts. And I had belly ache like a strong period pain and a bit of backache but nothing compared to what I was expecting. I was then given tea and biscuits and pain relief and antibiotics and then 30 minutes after the procedure I was allowed to leave and go home. I felt fine travelling home. Just tired and a bit nauseous. Last night my pain was managed with tablets and a hot water bottle. I had had no bleeding since the abortion. I am now I'm bed resting and thought I would help others with such a difficult decision with sharing my story.

It was a very difficult decision for me to make and it was not done lightly.

Emotionally I am quite low today but I know the abortion was the best option for me and my children.
Comparing this to a medical termination which I had last year personally I would say its a lot less traumatic and a lot less painful but everyone has different reasons for decided what option to take.
I hope this helps someone.

Editor's Comment

Thanks for describing your surgical abortion and giving an idea of how it compared with your previous medical abortion. I hope that after a few weeks you will feel better emotionally but please contact us if you need support.

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