I’m 27 and have two young children aged five and four.
By anonymous on 08/01/2009
I’m 27 and have two young children aged five and four. The children’s father and I split up about four months ago but ended up having sex one night. It wasn’t planned; it just happened. Now I am about six weeks pregnant. I had lots of plans this year for and with my two children; a holiday abroad and getting my garden sorted for summer. Everything is so logically saying that an abortion is the right thing under the circumstances but I really don’t know if it’s what I want. My head is saying one thing and my heart something else.Editor’s note: Thanks for writing in…Yes, it does make logical sense not to pursue the pregnancy, doesn’t it? You have plans you have made and it’s hard to cope with something coming along and getting in the way. It sounds as if there is indeed something holding you back from just going ahead with terminating the pregnancy, and it’s important to take some time to think about what that is. Then you can take it into account when you make a final decision one way or the other.
It might help you to visit your nearest centre and talk this through with someone who will help you look at the messages your head and heart are giving you. The advisor will be able to give you time and space to explore all your feelings, as well as provide information about all the options open to you, so that you can then make a confident and informed decision, one that you can live with.