I am 17 years old and pregnant.

By anonymous on 29/04/2009
I am 17 years old and pregnant. The only problem is I don’t know who the father is. Two and a half months ago, I got raped. I never told my partner because I was living in fear of how he was going to take it so I kept it to myself..... A few weeks ago my trusted friend told my partner the truth, only I denied it till I was blue in the face, and told him that I wasn’t with him when it happened. It was a lie…I am looking for advice on abortions and if it’s the right thing to do! Maybe I’ve been stupid but I haven’t got any guidance!!!! What do I do????

Editor’s note: Thanks for writing in…You have been through a very difficult experience and it may help you to have support for this. You can call the SUST Life Centre (Support for Unwanted Sexual Trauma) on their under 18s helpline: 0800 279 7273 or email info@lifecentre.uk.com to find out what help is available for you. If they are unable to counsel you with regard to making a decision about the pregnancy, you can contact your nearest CareConfidential centre or call our helpline on 0300 4000 999. You do not have to carry all this by yourself – get in touch as soon as you can.

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