A 17 year old faced with the dilemma of an unplanned pregnancy

By anonymous on 26/09/2011
I'm 17 and 2 months pregnant, my boyfriend is 21. Neither of us feel as though we are ready for a child, so we have booked an appointment at the clinic for an abortion.
However I'm having second thoughts. My family would support me if I did choose to keep the baby, but I don't know if I could cope. My boyfriend is standing by me whichever I choose. I just really don't know what to do.

Editor's Comment

I can understand the difficulty you are facing. You are only 17 and although you have the support of your parents and boyfriend, you are still not sure if you can cope with a baby at your age, and perhaps wonder how much it will change your life. I think it would help you to sit down with someone independent who can think through each of the options with you. You can never go back to how you were before you were pregnant although I am sure you wish you could turn the clock back! Whatever you decide from this point onwards will have consequences, and you have to know that you can live with these for the rest of your life, whatever decision you choose. That is why I think it helps to get someone who is trained to talk you through your decision making process, so that you feel comfortable with the option you choose. You can follow the link tofind a centre for pregnancy choices support in your area. or call the national helpline 0300 4000 999.

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