I'm 18 and schedualed to have a medical abortion in 15 days.

By anonymous on 14/03/2010
I'm 18, 4 weeks along and schedule to have a medical abortion in 15 days. I found out I was pregnant at the first of the month, I had about a week left for my period to come but I was nervous since my boyfriend and I had engaged in unprotected sex. We both decided that I should take a test and I did so that night.

I knew right away I couldn't have the child

When I saw that I was pregnant I was very distraught and began to cry, my boyfriend was very comforting and said he would support me in whatever decision I chose. I knew right away I couldn't have the child. I'm still a child myself and it would be unfair for me to bring it into this world in such circumstances and I can't bear the thought of giving it up. The next day I, along with my boyfriend, traveled to the nearby clinic and took an official test. I was told I was very early, barely four weeks and she tactfully asked me whether or not I planned to continue the pregnancy. After informing her of my decision she took me into a seperate room and explained my choices of either a surgical procedure or a medical.

I wanted to do the medical option

I knew right away I wanted to do the medical option. I have a close friend who had taken this route the previous year, and had discussed it with an adult who has had the surgical procedure. After hearing their stories and doing researching of my own I have come to a decision. I am very apprehensive, the stories range from mild to severe and I don't know what to expect.
I do know that I have my boyfriend to be by my side, along with a great support system of a close friend and his mother. I will post again when the day of my appointment comes, and I am very grateful for the people who have shared these stories, it is a tremendous help.

Editor's Comment

Thanks for sharing your story so far. It sounds as though you have thought through your decision carefully, and looked at all the options. Sometimes it is good to have a few days reflection on your situation, and your certainty may just be confirmed or you may come up with some questions or doubts.
You are always welcome to talk through your decision with a trained advisor, or just ring for some support 0300 4000 999
find a centre for pre-abortion support in your area.

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