Two days before my fifteenth birthday I became pregnant after a drunken night celebrating New Year’s Eve

By anonymous on 02/03/2009
medical abortion abortion 6 weeks

I'm only fifteen and two days before my birthday, making me still fourteen, I became pregnant after a drunken night celebrating New Year’s Eve with my boyfriend of one year who is sixteen.

This being both our first time. It was a major mistake that we both regretted and didn't speak or see each other for two weeks due to embarrassment and awkwardness. We then decided to forget about it and move on and everything was great!

After two weeks, I noticed I’d missed a period which was really unusual for me so I waited until the Thursday of that week and went to my school nurse who did a pregnancy test with me. Unfortunately, it came positive and she checked it several times.

After going home that evening I was totally terrified of what I was to do. My dad, who I dislike very much is strict, over-protective and controlling, and I didn’t feel close enough to talk to my mum either. I told my boyfriend at my house that night.

He was totally shocked and it made us very awkward once again. I spent the whole of the night completely sleepless thinking about what I should do. I realised I couldn’t go through it all on my own and knew I had to tell my mum.

My mum could tell straight away that something wasn’t right with me and kept asking what the matter was. After asking about twelve times I broke down into tears, knowing it was now or never, and told her.

She’s been great support; she booked me a doctor’s appointment straight away and two weeks later I got my first appointment at the hospital (16th Feb 2009). I had my scan – my dates came back as six weeks two days.

My next appointment was on the 19th where I had my first tablet and blood test done (I was so scared!).

Two days later, the dreaded day came! My mum came with me as I sat in the hospital room on my own.

I took the three tablets and within 10-20 minutes I was throwing up and bleeding. My boyfriend came and sat through it with me and it was over within three hours.

This is something I hope I never have to go through again and I’m truly grateful for my mum’s support.

I do not know if I have made the right decision yet but I hope to move on with my life although I’m not too sure where to start. Also to anyone who is unfortunate like me please involve an adult!

Editor's comment

Thanks for sharing your story with us… It is very important to tell a trusted adult if you suspect a pregnancy as a teenager and I’m glad you found the courage to share with your mum. You don’t say how much you thought your decision through beforehand, but I expect you feel a sense of relief. If you would like to talk through your feelings of not really knowing where to start in moving on with your life, you can talk with someone at your nearest centre.

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