Stories tagged with “medical abortion”

Medical abortion is the ending/termination of pregnancy using medication rather than surgical procedures. Like all things, experiences vary greatly - some are straight-forward, others not so...

There are 278 stories filed under medical abortion - you're viewing page 17 of 28

I had a medical abortion yesterday at ten weeks pregnant

I had a medical abortion yesterday at 10 weeks pregnant and I wanted to share my experience with others after all the horror stories I read about medical abortions [stories involving ...

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My medical abortion - the worst pain I've ever experienced

Hi, I had the first stage of a medical abortion on Monday just gone, and for the second stage, they saw me the next day. Anyway, after I got a lift home I felt completely fine and just went to and ...

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A failed medical abortion at 7 weeks requiring a D&C

A friend did the medical abortion and was 7 weeks. It failed and the foetus died, but did not come out so they tried again. She still had stuff inside her uterus after she tried twice and ...

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My experience of medical abortion at 5 weeks with BPAS

I found I was 4-5 weeks pregnant I am 23 and have been in a very happy relationship for around 8 weeks. We've been in that lovely stage where you love spending time together and miss all ...

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I had a medical abortion at 6 weeks 2 days

I had a medical abortion at 6 weeks 2 days of my pregnancy. I was prepared for a terrible experience but also felt, that this is my body, my uterus and my gestational sack and I want to deal with ...

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I had read abortion horror stories that left me worried silly

Hi I decided to have medical Abortion at 6 weeks after a shock pregnancy. I had worried myself silly over all the horror stories online so was expecting the worst when the procedure came a ...

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My medical abortion story for those searching the web, as I did

I had a medical abortion last week and wanted to share my experience with people like me. I searched the internet trailing for experiences, I found these mainly to be negative and took the ...

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I wanted to share my experience of medical abortion at 7 weeks

I had a medical abortion yesterday at 7 weeks pregnant and wanted to share my experience. I spent days beforehand reading these pages online which made me feel a lot more took the first on ...

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I had a late medical abortion at 13 weeks, 4 months ago

I'm 18 and had a late medical abortion just over 4 months ago. I found out I was pregnant at 13 weeks pregnant I didn't know what to do, what to think, I was missing periods but I was convincing I ...

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It's not the most soul destroying & horrific experience of your life

I won't detail the reasons for my decision, not because it was difficult(far from it!) but because it is neither here nor there. I basically just want other ladies out I ...

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