Stories tagged with “medical abortion”
Medical abortion is the ending/termination of pregnancy using medication rather than surgical procedures. Like all things, experiences vary greatly - some are straight-forward, others not so...
There are 278 stories filed under medical abortion - you're viewing page 8 of 28
I documented the experience - it's not AT ALL what I expected
I am 27 years old, married for 7 years, and mom to a brilliant 5 year old boy. I knew I was pregnant right away - my breasts were SO tender, I was nauseous, everything smelled weird, and I was all ...
Read more »I just wanted to share a positive medical termination story
I just wanted to share with you a positive termination story and to put anyone who is considering to end their pregnancy at ease about the process. I went to Beth's clinic my initial had a ...
Read more »A scan at 22 weeks showed my baby had a bilateral cleft lip
Hi all. After 2 years of marriage, struggling for pregnancy, I was losing hope that I could be pregnant... It was normal for my period to be 5 to 8 days past due. In the month of ...
Read more »I'm going through a medical abortion alone and it's killing me
I just wanted to tell someone, anyone. I am 30 now and should have been wiser especially having got pregnant when I was 14. I feel so stupid that this is even happening to me... found out ...
Read more »From religious backgrounds, it wouldn't sit well with our parents
In late August I found out I was 3 Weeks pregnant. After speaking to my boyfriend we both agreed that an abortion would be the best thing for us. We have been in a relationship for five as ...
Read more »I'll never forget my late term-medical termination at 17 weeks
So yesterday was most definitely the worst day of my life and an experience I'll never be able to forget. When I found out I was pregnant I didn't know what or how to feel. I guess I felt ashamed, ...
Read more »Always very pro-life, I never thought I'd consider an abortion
After reading a lot about this subject (medical abortion stories) on this forum I decided to my ...
Read more »"You're 26 weeks" - I thought he was joking 'till I saw the screen
I wanted to share my story about my pregnancy. It is very stressful for me I am 18 years old l, still in high school and 8 months pregnant:/ I found out that I was pregnant at 8 weeks. I I ...
Read more »I've had a surgical abortion at 8 weeks and medical at 14 weeks
Today I had my medical abortion (I've just got back home) and I just wanted to write so ...
Read more »I'm not proud of it, but this year alone I've had two abortions
Within this year alone I've had 2 abortions. It's not something that I am proud of, but it happened and I know that I am not prepared to be someone's mother. The first abortion I had was I ...
Read more »Current page: 8 of 28
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